Get Connected
“We Are Created to Connect in Community”
Everyone wants to feel connected somewhere. Many times we don't know why, we just know we need it. At BBC you can have a beginning sense of connection by attending worship services or church events. But connection is much more than that.
God has created within all of us the desire to belong in a community. This is evident in our time with so many people joining clubs and groups of like-minded people. Those groups exemplify community. Even ‘churches’ that do not worship God cite their need for community, as a motivation to gather. The purist community is that of believers coming together in community with our Creator and with each other.
At BBC we practice community in three realms.
Connect as the Body of Christ.
The Bible tells us that believers make-up the Body of Christ. This area of community is where the body gathers for corporate worship, functions, and at times, function as one group. To connect in this way you just need to come.
Connect in Small Groups.
The Bible tells us that believers are to be involved in a small group. Many churches call small groups by different names. (Small Group, Sunday School LifeGroup, etc) The name doesn’t matter. What matters is what the small group does. To connect in this way would be to start attending a small group.
Connect on Mission
The Bible tells us that believers are to operate outside the walls of the church building where they meet. BBC is very involved locally, nationally, and globally. We go to help our fellow man in any way God has directed. To connect in this way would be to get involved.